Guaranteeing integrity, fairness and transparency throughout the company

Respecting the rules of integrity, fair business and transparency are key values of Attijariwafa bank’s social responsibility policy. We are committed to preventing corruption and conflicts of interest, to fighting fraud and complying with competition regulations. Our ethical commitment also covers the fight against tax evasion, money laundering and terrorism financing.
Improving our employees’ working environment

Attijariwafa bank continues to develop by paying particular attention to the working environment of its employees. We strive to promote and respect the stipulations of the International Labour Organization and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights conventions. And we’re committed to promoting diversity, ensuring health and safety at work and developing the skills and careers of all our employees.
Making sustainable purchases

Attijariwafa bank is committed to applying CSR principles throughout the supply chain. By selecting goods and services that are produced and supplied in compliance with environmental, social and ethical standards, our suppliers are active contributors to achieving our CSR aims. We also strive to establish respectful, balanced and sustainable relationships with all of our partners.
Our achievements in support of business ethics and relationships with employees and suppliers

days on average to pay suppliers in Morocco in 2018

29 %
of suppliers have signed the new Responsible Purchasing Principles Charter in Morocco in 2018

81 %
of suppliers in Morocco were micro-enterprises in 2018

100 %
of our employees have signed the code of conduct and have been made aware of ethical principles

5 202
branch employees trained in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism in Morocco in 2018

5 413
employees trained in the protection of personal data in Morocco in 2018

nationalities in the Group

More than 1300
employees in Morocco volunteered as part of the bank’s skills sponsorship in 2018