Attijariwafa bank group publishes its CSR Report for the financial year 2019

Casablanca, March 2020 - Attijariwafa bank group publishes its CSR Report for the year 2019. As in previous years, this report presents the approach undertaken by Attijariwafa bank to improve its societal contribution and its daily practices, as well as the progress of the Group in 2019.

Attijariwafa bank has thus become the 1st bank in Africa and the MENA zone to be accredited by the prestigious Green Climate Fund of the United Nations, reinforcing its position as a leading player in Sustainable Finance on the continent. Its commitment to the environment was also demonstrated through the Ecogestures awareness campaign aimed at its employees.

The Group’s support for SMEs and project leaders makes it the leading influence on the economy, with the opening of new Dar Al Moukawil centres and the expansion of its offer aimed at a target that has long remained on the fringes of the banking system.

Similarly, its Responsible Purchasing approach, with 89% of TPMEs among its suppliers and payment times of around 8 days on average, completes its civic dimension.

In addition to complying with the requirements of AMMC Circular No. 03/19 on extrafinancial reporting for publicly traded companies, this report is based on the international standard for extra-financial reporting GRI (Global Reporting Initiative).

The distribution of this report gives priority to digital reporting, in line with the Group’s digital strategy and sustainable waste management approach.

You can consult it by clicking on the following link:

Media contact - Attijariwafa bank group

Mrs Ouafaa GHAOUAT

Media Relations Manager

Phone: 00212 522 54 53 57

Mobile: 00212 647 47 32 90
