A CSR approach centred on four pillars and 10 commitments
As a pan-African banking group, Attijariwafa bank is well aware of the social and environmental challenges facing our region. And so we’re determined to tackle them on a daily basis by making sure responsibility is firmly engrained in every aspect of our strategy. Built to benefit all of our stakeholders, our CSR policy is structured around four key pillars and 10 strategic commitments.
Why create shared value?
At Attijariwafa bank, we believe that a company’s success depends on its ability to create shared value with all of its stakeholders. As a leading banking and financial operator in Africa, we must act as a responsible actor to ensure that the general interest is taken into account in every dimension of our business.
CSR governance within Attijariwafa bank

Good governance is an essential driver of CSR actions. And it’s most effective when applied in a unified way across every level of the company.
Attijariwafa bank's CSR commitments are based on a number of key principles that are equally underscored in the following international texts:
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
- The International Labour Organization's Fundamental Conventions (ILO);
- The guiding principles of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for multinational enterprises;
- The United Nations Global Compact;
- ISO 26000 - Social responsibility;
- International initiatives for the banking and financial sector.
Our CSR approach is driven by the highest level of the company, namely by our President and CEO, and is available in all banking businesses, through policies, systems and bodies that integrate the various CSR guidelines.
The key CSR pillars at Attijariwafa bank

Supporting the development of a sustainable economy
By the nature of our business, our actions influence the functioning of the economy in a positive way. Our responsibilities include three key commitments: supporting the development of the real economy, making financial services accessible to all, and maintaining durable relationships with our customers.

Respecting the environment and fighting climate change
Our environmental approach aims to reduce the environmental footprint of all our activities, including financial, advisory and everyday actions. In addition, we’re fully committed to an eco-friendly financial policy which helps businesses transition to greener energy sources.

Fostering ethics in activities and relationships with employees and suppliers
Attijariwafa bank applies its social responsibility approach to all its stakeholders through the respect of ethical rules, particularly in terms of business practices and purchasing policy. Our CSR approach also consists of setting up a social policy based on health, safety and well-being at work, as well as supporting and developing the skills of our employees.

Engaging with communities and civil society
As a citizens group, Attijariwafa bank contributes to the well-being of communities and to the respect of their values and culture, day after day. This is made possible through the actions of our various entities, subsidiaries and, above all, our Foundation. This Foundation is involved in multiple key areas, such as education and entrepreneurship, art and culture, the debate of ideas and the promotion of intellectual production.