The Attijariwafa bank Foundation is committed to fight against failure and school drop-out, the promotion of excellence and the promotion of entrepreneurship among young people.
In each of its areas of intervention, the Foundation has developed a recognized know-how through the realization of several structuring and innovative projects.
In addition, the Foundation encourages and values the participation of the Group collaborators in the citizen actions it supports, through the establishment of a skills-based sponsorship and volunteer program.

preschool enhancements

20 000
students benefiting from the “Business School for All” programme since 2007

+ 400
students enrolled in the Banking and Financial Markets master’s programme since 2007

+ 20 000
computer devices provided in 2017

+ 1,300
employees mobilised since 2014

18 400
hours of entrepreneurship training provided by Group volunteers between 2014 and 2017
Our achievements in promoting education and entrepreneurship
Each year, through our flagship program "Business Schools and Engineering Schools for All", the Attijariwafa bank Foundation supports preparatory classes in the public sector. Launched in 2007 in partnership with the Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research, this programme aims to improve the performance of students in public preparatory classes in order to boost their chances of entering leading business schools in Morocco and France. It’s also an effective lever for promoting excellence and equal opportunities.
The programme is having a positive impact in multiple ways: It offers business and science majors an optimal framework to prepare for their tough entrance exams, including weeks of concentration in a tranquil work environment and free access to library resources within the Kingdom’s preparation centres.
The Attijariwafa bank Foundation also provides exclusive support to the AMGE (Association des Marocains des Grandes Ecoles) Caravan, an association dedicated to assisting Moroccan students and alumni before, during and after their studies.
Developed in 2007, in partnership with Banco Santander, the ‘Banking and Financial Markets’ master’s degree is dually accredited in both Morocco and Spain, offered by the University of Hassan II and University of Cantabria respectively.
The aim of this specialised master's degree is to respond to a growing demand for specialised profiles in finance and banking.
The courses are taught by Moroccan and Spanish academics and experts from both banks. At the end of the course, students take part in a 6-month internship to simplify their integration in professional life.
In total, nearly 400 students have registered to date since the launch of the master’s programme in 2007. And as a testimony to its cross-border success, 30% of students are from sub-Saharan Africa. The job-placement rate of graduates is close to 95%.
In 2007, in partnership with Santander Group and Moroccan universities, the Attijariwafa bank Foundation developed the first Jamiati electronic access card for students, faculty and administrators of public and private universities.
This card provides user-friendly access to the university services relevant to each cardholder, such as certifications, book rentals, programmes and more. It can also be used as a bank card, at the holder's request, thus promoting the financial education of young students. is the first Moroccan portal fully dedicated to the university community. Inspired by its Spanish counterpart, it was initially developed in 2007 by the Attijariwafa bank Foundation in partnership with the UCEIF Foundation of Banco Santander:
To account for the latest technological advancements and evolving needs of the student community, the Attijariwafa bank Foundation introduced a key refresh of the platform at the end of 2017. The new version aims to be a true community academic guide, providing useful information, particularly concerning Moroccan higher education. It offers students the key elements they need to simplify their orientation and decision-making process when choosing their education path. provides optimal navigation ergonomics and includes valuable new content, such as a guide to student life, training offers, an entrepreneurship focus, news, events, social initiatives and more.
Social media plays an increasingly critical role as well, keeping with today’s challenges in digital transformation, as well as the strategic vision of our Group and the user habits of today’s always-connected students. The site is in constant evolution and is regularly updated with new content and features.
Attijariwafa bank is a founding member of the Injaz Al-Maghrib association, whose mission is to stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of young Moroccans.
We’ve supported this association since its creation in 2007 via skills development and financial sponsorships. Managers from our bank and subsidiaries throughout Morocco volunteer as mentors to help young people develop their entrepreneurial spirit and professional skills.
In October 2015, we pursued an ambition is to mobilise 1,000 volunteer counsellors over three years, by the end of 2018. The goal of the first two years was largely exceeded thanks to the commitment of 849 volunteer staff spanning 23 cities across the Kingdom. Together, they accounted for almost 50% of the total number of training hours provided by the Injaz association. And best of all, the dynamic continues to this day.
The Attijariwafa bank Foundation supports various associations working on projects with high social impact for disadvantaged communities.
Recognised for its involvement in education, the Foundation also supports Moroccan and sub-Saharan student associations through various sponsorships.
This support helps to strengthen ties with students while encouraging citizenship and solidarity among young students.