Reinventing ourselves through innovation

Attijariwafa bank Group is accentuating its focus on innovation for the benefit of its customers by harnessing the full potential of digital technology. We are endeavouring to anticipate our customers’ needs and invent new banking solutions. To achieve this, we are transforming the way in which we work and are adapting our processes while guaranteeing that our customer’s transactions are secure at all times.


Deputy Chief Executive Officer Finance, Technology and Operations Division

Transformation as a way of enhancing performance and security


Big Data, digitising business processes, transforming working systems and methods… in order to redefine customer experience in the new digital age, the Group has adapted its information systems and embraced new technologies and more powerful IT infrastructure. As a result, it is able to provide customers with a personalised experience while improving employee security and expertise.

Anticipating customers needs thanks to data expertise

groupe Attijariwafa bank has implemented a data strategy with the launch of a new analytics platform that meets international standards. The goal is to encourage developing data usage as a means of improving customer service and fostering closer ties, while protecting and securing customers’ data so as to gain trust. Achieving these goals has required dedicated governance and the appointment of a Chief Data Officer.

An adaptive Information Systems architecture and new IT engineering practices

To be able to offer a scalable customer experience and adjust the processes and services provided to customers groupe Attijariwafa bank has redesigned its architecture so as to guarantee the urbanisation and proper development of its information system. It has also adopted a more flexible and more efficient delivery model to reduce time to market. The Group now has a customer-centric architecture and a more outward-looking information system, underpinned by a multi-channel PLC base and a digital factory, enabling the level of openness to be controlled. The Group has also incorporated DevOps practices within its projects, resulting in accelerated lead times, thanks to closer collaboration between operational staff and developers.

«Lab Innovation»

In 2017, « Lab Innovation » was set up within the Group Information Systems department. The Lab, which is an action-oriented « ideas laboratory », is intended to be an innovative initiatives incubator. Bringing together bank staff, start-ups, FinTechs, business idea generators and entrepreneurs, the Lab aims to foster a culture of innovation, collective intelligence, shared growth and experimentation.

New agile platforms

Attjariwafa bank Group has adopted new, more agile ways of working, with the launch, in January 2017, of agile platforms. These bring together multidisciplinary teams, enabling large-scale projects to be implemented more rapidly. A growing number of projects are now being handled in this way across a variety of businesses. Alongside these changes, the Group has introduced a change management process and is encouraging all staff to adopt a digital culture.

Ensuring that customer transactions are secure

In a bid to combat cybercrime, Attijariwafa bank Group has adopted an information systems risk management system and has introduced solutions that help to mitigate cyber risk by detecting threats before they turn into attacks. A Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system became operational in 2017. The system collects, aggregates and categorises security events and detects the most doubtful among them to enable the necessary measures to be taken. As is the case for customers in Morocco, Attijariwafa bank also introduced ‘3D Secure’, an online payment security service for cardholders who are customers of the French subsidiary, thereby reducing the risk of online fraud resulting from fraudulent use of payment card numbers.

Promoting a collective approach and developing a culture of innovation

Attijariwafa bank Group has identified innovation as one of the major levers in being able to meet the many new challenges and constraints posed by its environment. It is therefore one of the priorities of its Energies 2020 strategic plan. The Group has adopted an open innovation approach, working closely with its ecosystem, in order to generate even more value for its customers, embed a culture of innovation within the company and play its part in boosting African start-ups and promoting entrepreneurship.


«Smart Up» program encouraging innovation among youngsters
Le Attijariwafa bank group launched its Smart Up open innovation program, the highlight of which was the first ever international FinTech hackathon, organised in May 2017 in partnership with ScrenDy, a start-up. The event was held simultaneously in five major cities, Abidjan, Casablanca, Dakar, Paris and Tunis. The goal was to unearth projects that are likely to act as catalysts for the Bank’s transformation into a bank of the future. From more than 1,025 external candidates and 420 applications from Group employees, the jury selected 323 participants. For 48 hours non-stop, these talented youngsters from a variety of backgrounds worked at finding innovative solutions in response to the chosen theme, « Know your customer, know your banker, know your colleague »